Work with me


    • Everything starts with a free 30 minute chat to establish what you need and if I can help. Prior to this I will send you a very short page of questions to complete ahead of our meeting to help us get the most out of our first meeting.

    • At the end of our session or shortly after I would expect to share an indication of cost, timelines and what you can expect in terms of outcomes.

    • If I’m unable to help, I would expect to be able to refer / signpost you to someone who can. I do not charge or receive any fees for this. And there is no obligation for you to contact them if you prefer not to. Introductions I make are because the companies I work with share my values or are excellent providers of their products.

Chat over Coffee

  • Free no obligation chat
  • Understand your objectives
  • Ensure I can help
  • Agree next steps
  • Agree costs and timelines

Financial review

  • Detailed review of your financial position
  • Generate a Net worth summary
  • Action plan
  • Review annually

Retirement planning

  • Are you on target to achieve your objectives
  • Generate a Net worth summary
  • Cash flow report(s) as appropriate
  • Action plan
  • Reviewed annually

Bespoke issue

  • Anything from caring for a relative to IHT problems
  • Identify main issues and areas of focus
  • Agree reporting aligned to the problem
  • Action plan

Do you have any questions or need advice?

I’m here to help! Book an appointment with me to get started